Friday, April 21, 2017

International Assets Advisory Estate Planning Support

The financial professionals at International Assets Advisory, LLC have provided clients with a wide range of money management services for more than 34 years. As a registered broker dealer with an affiliated Registered Investment Adviser, International Assets Advisory (IAA) assists clients with wealth management at every phase of life, including but not limited to retirement and estate planning.

Most individuals spend their professional lives accumulating assets and property in anticipation of a comfortable retirement. However, these assets must be accounted for during estate planning processes, otherwise a person's life's work may be lost or tied up in legal proceedings, rather than carry over to family and loved ones. Like most estate planning partners, IAA can contribute to this process. An effective estate planning team will remind clients that documents merely serve as a basis for a complete estate plan.

For instance, a comprehensive estate plan can address a wide array of financial situations, such as assets concentrated in stock and bonds or highly appreciated annuities. A plan may also be used to fulfill philanthropic obligations in perpetuity. These and other estate planning tasks can be complex, and individuals may be interested in discussing estate planning with an IAA representative. Any individual without an estate plan or with a plan that has not been reviewed in some time should consider visiting a qualified financial professional.