Thursday, July 19, 2018

FINRA’s Tips for Improving Individual Financial Capability

Based in Central Florida, International Assets Advisory LLC offers investment management and investment banking services to clients across the country. Active in the financial industry, International Assets Advisory LLC is a member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). 
FINRA Investor Education Foundation funded a study on the financial capability of Americans. Conducted by Applied Research and Consulting, the 2016 National Financial Capability Study revealed 40 percent of Americans felt they had too much debt, 34 percent said they probably could not raise $2,000 if an emergency necessitated it, and 41 percent were saving for college. 
Following the release of the study’s results, FINRA issued an investor alert highlighting the different ways Americans can improve their financial capability. The organization urged saving Americans to embrace tax-advantaged accounts such as 401(k)s for those saving for retirement and 529 plans for those saving for college. FINRA also encouraged Americans to pay off their debt on time and in full. It specifically encouraged millennials to take extra care when using credit cards because the study found 52 percent of Americans aged 18-34 reported engaging in expensive credit card behaviors. Finally, the organization stated the best way to avoid being financially fragile is to build up rainy day savings in a federally insured savings account.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Understanding 529 Plans

Headquartered in Orlando, Florida, International Assets Advisory is a money management and full-service brokerage firm catering to clients all over the world. International Assets Advisory’s suite of services includes the provision of education funding strategies, such as the use of 529 plans

Named after Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code, 529 plans are tax-advantaged saving plans created to promote savings for future college expenses. A 529 plan is exempted from federal taxes and commonly has state-level tax benefits, which are applicable in states that levy income tax. Under federal law, 529 plan balances cannot exceed the expected cost of the beneficiary’s qualified education expense. Every state has its own plan balance limit, ranging from $235,000 to $520,000. 

There are two kinds of 529 plans, the first being prepaid tuition plans. These plans enable an account holder to buy credits or units at participating colleges or universities for future mandatory fees and tuition at current prices, thus locking in their total costs. In general, these plans cannot cover room and board expenses. Most prepaid tuition plans are sponsored by state governments but are not backed by the federal government.

The second kind of 529 plan, college savings plans, are sponsored by state governments. They enable an account holder to open an investment account to save for eligible higher education expenses including mandatory fees, tuition, as well as room and board. In addition, beneficiaries can choose from a variety of investment portfolio options, such as exchange-traded funds and mutual funds. You should consult with your accountant/tax specialist prior to investing.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Invest for Your Child’s College with Zero Coupon Bonds

Registered under the Securities Act of 1934, International Assets Advisory is a full service brokerage and money management firm based in Orlando, Florida. Focused on tailoring investment solutions that fit their clients’ needs, International Assets Advisory offers a broad range of fixed-income investment options including zero coupon bonds.

Zero coupon bonds are fixed income securities which, unlike traditional bonds, do not pay interest. Rather, the bonds are traded at a very significant discount and when they mature, the investor is paid the full face value of the bond, and thereby earns a profit (interest). 

Zero coupon bonds can be issued by the U.S. Treasury, state and municipal governments, and corporations. The bonds have longer maturity periods than most other types of bonds, usually upwards of 10 years. These bonds are often attractive to investors with a long term goal such as paying for a child’s college education. 

The price of zero coupon bonds fluctuates heavily because the bonds do not pay interest until maturity. Furthermore, investors may still have to pay tax on the imputed interest of the bond. However, they also have the option of buying tax-exempt municipal zero coupon bonds (if issued in the state where they reside), or tax-exempt corporate zero coupon bonds, although they are much less common.

Despite the advantages associated with zero coupon bonds, potential risks include taxation, no interest paid until maturity, call risk, liquidity risk and credit risk.

Friday, April 21, 2017

International Assets Advisory Estate Planning Support

The financial professionals at International Assets Advisory, LLC have provided clients with a wide range of money management services for more than 34 years. As a registered broker dealer with an affiliated Registered Investment Adviser, International Assets Advisory (IAA) assists clients with wealth management at every phase of life, including but not limited to retirement and estate planning.

Most individuals spend their professional lives accumulating assets and property in anticipation of a comfortable retirement. However, these assets must be accounted for during estate planning processes, otherwise a person's life's work may be lost or tied up in legal proceedings, rather than carry over to family and loved ones. Like most estate planning partners, IAA can contribute to this process. An effective estate planning team will remind clients that documents merely serve as a basis for a complete estate plan.

For instance, a comprehensive estate plan can address a wide array of financial situations, such as assets concentrated in stock and bonds or highly appreciated annuities. A plan may also be used to fulfill philanthropic obligations in perpetuity. These and other estate planning tasks can be complex, and individuals may be interested in discussing estate planning with an IAA representative. Any individual without an estate plan or with a plan that has not been reviewed in some time should consider visiting a qualified financial professional.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Five Actions FINRA Takes to Protect Investors and the Markets

International Assets Advisory is a money management firm that aims to improve clients’ financial well-being through the provision of personalized financial services. Offering products and services related to mutual funds, retirement planning, and portfolio management among others, International Assets Advisory is a registered broker/dealer and member of the regulatory organization FINRA.

FINRA is responsible for protecting investors and promoting healthy financial markets through the monitoring of professionals within the broker-dealer profession. The organization accomplishes these goals through five key actions. First, FINRA makes a point of strictly enforcing its rules to discourage misconduct within the industry, and regularly examines broker-dealers for compliance. Secondly, for those who break FINRA’s rules, there are swift consequences and disciplinary actions commensurate with the infraction committed by a broker dealer.

Third, FINRA leverages advanced technology to scan market movement and identify potential wrongdoing, and collaborates with other major financial organizations like the SEC to make sure possible fraud is dealt with quickly. The fourth action FINRA takes is to provide education and information to investors, giving them tools that can help them protect themselves from fraud as well as make sound financial decisions. Lastly, FINRA protects investors and the market by maintaining the largest forum for addressing securities-related disputes between investors, brokers, and securities firms, successfully resolving disagreements within the industry as they arise.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

A Brief Look at the EB-5 Visa Investor Program

A full-service money management and brokerage firm that serves clients nationwide and internationally, International Assets Advisory is based in Orlando, Florida. International Assets Advisory’s services include the EB-5 Visa Investor Program. 

The EB-5 Visa Investor Program arose out of the Immigrant Investor Program first administered by the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) in 1990. The program was developed by Congress to stimulate the US economy by creating job and capital investment opportunities for foreign investors. A USCIS-designated pilot program enacted two years after the EB-5’s establishment began setting aside EB-5 visas for Regional Centers to promote further economic growth. 

To qualify for an EB-5 visa through the EB-5 Visa Investor Program, individuals must invest in a new commercial enterprise that meets certain criteria. Commercial enterprises must have been established on or after November 29, 1990, and undergone investment expansions by a 40 percent increase in net worth or employee base. Enterprises established before November 1990 may also apply in the event they undergo significant restructure to create a new commercial enterprise. Additionally, enterprises with holding companies and wholly-owned subsidiaries also count, provided they hold a for-profit status.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

IAA Assists in Noteworthy Preferred Stock Offering

From its headquarters in Orlando, Florida, International Assets Advisory offers a full suite of financial services to a domestic and international client base. In addition to providing financial planning and broker-dealer services for individuals, International Assets Advisory also serves as a dealer manager for institutional clients.

One such client, CIM Commercial Trust Corporation (NASDAQ: CMCT), recently enlisted the services of International Assets Advisory to oversee the offering of a significant quantity of preferred stock. In July 2016, CMCT announced that it had successfully registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission to offer up to $900 million in warrants and Series A Preferred Stock. This registration authorizes the company to offer as many as 36 million units, with each unit comprised of one Series A share of preferred stock valued at $25 per share and a warrant to purchase one quarter of a share of the company’s common stock. 

CIM Commercial Trust is a real estate investment trust active in the business real estate sector. The company operates Class A and creative office investments in vibrant and improving urban communities throughout the U.S.